Your dynamic web twain serial number is invalid
Your dynamic web twain serial number is invalid

I learned long ago to ask why they want an answer to a particular question so I do not inadvertently offend a colleague. When I make rounds it is not unusual for people to ask questions about their health and their family.

your dynamic web twain serial number is invalid

This week I have little time and so a ‘fun’ post.

your dynamic web twain serial number is invalid

And then I have to come up with content to surround the faulty English. I lack the mad typing skills of other contributors and it usually takes me at least a week to carefully construct the spelling errors and grammatical faux paux for which I am justly famous. I am sure that phenomena has a name that one of our readers will know. A linear change in one domain leads to exponential change in other domains.

your dynamic web twain serial number is invalid

If you have two kids, the work squares, three kids, the work cubes. Double the work means double the fun, but free time goes down by the power. I may have to autoclave him when he returns before I let him in the hospital. As this is published I am finishing the last day of a 12 day stretch covering my partner while he is off trying to get MDRTB and typhoid fever.

Your dynamic web twain serial number is invalid